Friday, April 27, 2007

A simple guide

So you want to try linux, and you're totally clueless about how to do it. Here's a quick guide to help you out. (This isn't the only way, mind you, it's just a really basic way.)

First you will need:
1. One computer (preferably connected via ethernet to the internet.)
2. One hard drive that can be totally erased.*
3. One keyboard
4. One mouse
5. One monitor
6. One liveCD of your favorite ubuntu derivative.

So chances are you don't yet have number six, so let's go get it.

I'm going to go with the Linux Mint version (because it comes with just about everything you would need right out of the box.) Go to and click on download at the top of the page. Then under "Full edition" find your closest location and click on the "HTTP". This should redirect you to a page that has a download link for the cd. Again you want the full version. (If you're having a lot of trouble with this step, just click here to download.) You want to save this file somewhere that you can find it. This is the cd "image" which we'll use to burn the cd.

After the download is finished (which may be a while) you need to burn the image file to a cd. Most cd burning software will be able to do this. If you can't find anything that will burn a .iso file, you can use ImgBurn which is available for free here. (In ImgBurn you will want to select from the top menu mode->write. Under source you want the file we just downloaded. After you select this file, click the big cd icon at the bottom to begin burning the cd.)

Put the cd we just burned into the cd drive and restart the computer. Hopefully, the cd boots and you can get to the next step and skip the next paragraph. If it doesn't, you'll have to read the next paragraph.

Restart the computer again, but look right at the beginning and somewhere on the screen it should say something like "press del to run setup." You want to look for whatever key it says to hit to run setup. Sometimes it's delete. Sometimes it's F1 or another function key, so if you can't see what it is, just start hitting delete or random function keys right as the computer starts. You only have a couple seconds before the computer will boot. Now hopefully you get a scary looking screen called the BIOS. We're looking for something called the boot order. Many times it will be under the advanced tab at the top. There should be a guide somewhere on the page to show you how to navigate through the menus. After you find the boot order, you want to change it so that the cd drive is before/above the hard drive (again use the navigation guide if you're not sure how to change things.) Then after this is done, you want to "Save and Exit" which should be an option under one of the tab menus. Be very careful not to change anything else except the boot order!!! It will ask you if you really want to do this- don't worry, click yes. Now hopefully the cd boots and you can move to the next step.

Now you should be looking at a somewhat familiar desktop with a couple of icons, one of which says "Install." Double click on it.

Now it's easy. Just answer the questions it asks (like what language do you want and what time zone do you live in, etc.) When you get to partitioning, select the guided partition using the entire disk. Make sure to remember what you enter for your name and password. About twenty minutes after you finish answering all the questions, you'll have a brand new linux mint operating system ready for the internet or whatever else you want to do.

Congratulations and welcome to the world of open-source!

*You don't actually have to erase the entire disk, it's just easier that way. You can partition any way you would like- you could even keep your current windows os if you have enough room. I also, for example, like to make an added partition for my /home directory. If you're feeling adventurous select manual and see what you think- you can always go back.

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